
My latest book, to be officially launched on 18 June, is Making History: a New Zealand Story 1554235674480This is a fascinating account of my own development as a historian. It is available through the publisher, Auckland University Press.

Three other recent publications can be purchased from me, and I would be delighted to send you copies.  They are:

Earlier books available are:

  • light of past 001 In the Light of the Past: Stained Glass Windows in New Zealand Houses (with Chris Maclean), Oxford University Press, 1983: This is a beautifully illustrated survey of the leaded windows which added so much to New Zealand domestic architecture from the 1890s to the 1970s. Available for $25.00
  • man's country 001A Man’s Country? The Image of the Pakeha Male – A History, Penguin Books, revised edition, 1992. A path-breaking and highly influential study of the male stereotype in New Zealand. Available for $20.00
  • sorrow and pride 001The Sorrow and the Pride: New Zealand War Memorials (with Chris Maclean), GP Books, 1990. This exhaustively-researched study of New Zealand war memorials uncovers a fascinating history which tells us much about New Zealand attitudes to war, public sculpture and the nature of memory. Available for $20.00
  • royal summer 002Royal Summer – the visit of Queen Elizabeth II and the Duke of Edinburgh to New Zealand, 1953-54, Daphne Brasell, 1993. This charming account of the memorable tour by a young queen when three quarters of the country went on to the streets to wave their Union Jacks, tells us much about the country New Zealand once was. The contemporary photographs say much about society in the 1950s. Available for $20.00
  • settlers 001Settlers: Immigrants to New Zealand from England, Scotland and Ireland, 1800-1945 (with Terry Hearn, Auckland University Press, 2008. A fundamental resource for New Zealand history, this book explores in detail for the first time the question of the social and geographical origins of the people who settled New Zealand from Great Britain. Available for $20.00.

If you want any of these books email with:

  • the number and names of the books
  • your name
  • your email
  • your address

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